Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Everyday I wake up to a new horizon,
New bliss new joy.
For a wonderful life I make great plans
Lock it up and simply enjoy.

Everyday I want to be a nice person,
True at heart and mind.
But I go ahead and complain about someone
Make a remark; Be unkind.

Everyday I decide to reach for my goal,
Work hard and stretch.
I back off with fear; Make a new excuse
And make a new sketch.

Everyday I mean to remember GOD,
And bow my head in prayer.
I never find a few moments to thank LORD.
I neglect to adhere.

Everyday I resolve to practice what I preach.
To think and then be.
I go ahead and be a hypocrite all the way,
With rules bending for me.

Everyday I know the right from the wrong,
And the path cut for me.
But I spend a day again with the same old song,
And walk a path of the lazy me.

Today I decide to make it right everyday,
Give my best to all I say.
Today I decide to make it right everyday,
And live a great life all the way.

The bad news is time flies. The good news is you're the pilot. (Michael Althsuler)

Monday, October 1, 2007

The Art!!!

Flirtation …. Attention without intention

Being a book fanatic I have read all kinds of books, even the Slef-Help genre books which seem to be the current rage. ( No..I am not diverting from the topic.) Since some time I am wondering why there are no “Ready to flirt in 10 days” kind books.
And why do I want to read it? This is the only topic I have never read anything about. (Khud ke mu miya mitthu). Well PJ’s apart. In 24 years ( ah I reveal my age) my paths have crossed many a flirts and many wannabes too I have tried my hand ( mouth and brain) at it too. And I am really good (when the opposite sex is really dumb). But I have met some real smoothies and some real terrors at flirting.
Coming to think of it. What makes somebody a pro and what makes somebody a total looser at this wooing-art. Can flirting be learnt? Or it something you are gifted with.
The same pick-up-line or whatever it is called and 2 different people. When you hear it from one you fell like responding back coaxing for more. But with the other case all we can do is role our eyes and create an expression which radiates “get lost looser”.
Since I started pondering on this question (I am on bench and got noting better to do) and really didn’t have my own answers I thought of enlightening myself with the valuable inputs from the divine people that surround me. (
and I had to bang my head for this too..everybody was out with the definition of flirting when my question was "What according to you makes a good flirt")


Yash : someone who is warm and nice at the same time not too clingy
Dhanveer : woman pleaser, sweet talker,super diplomat can please every person or has awesome time management skills
Harshal :
presence of mind
Kshitij : seducing.. givin more attention..
Friend : One who manages to scare me gutless
Neha : the ability to flirt without being cheap..Person should be charming and not desperate
Pritam : one who can leave his or her thoughts in the other persons mind
Kunal : Must make it obvious
Renu : a good flirt generally feels a lot good abt himself / herself...they think themselves better than others and transmit this same thing to others when they flirt....
Yadnee : one who would make the other person feel like he/she is the only one getting the speaicl attention

Some special insights for guys…
Supriya : etiquttes and chivalry
Sonica : being caring and helpful

So I guess that flirting is not congenital. Yippeeeeeeee. Maybe now I will give it a good shot.

I will have to be a warm nice sweet talking diplomatic person with presence of mind who can seduce/scare the opposite sex ( I am straight u c) without being cheap in such a way that I can leave my thoughts in the other persons mind and make sure that my flirting is obvious!!!!!!!!!! Phew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And at the beginning and end of it be feeling good about myself and transmitting the feeling too.

Now thats what I call hard work.

"If you're a gifted flirt, talking about the price of eggs will do as well as any other subject. " ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Neurotic's Notebook, 1960”