Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Consciously Social

Man is a social animal. One of the things i remember reading in some text book in school.
Man is a conscious social animal. One thought that keeps crossing my mind.

That thought runs in a frenzy particularly in the following situations:

Lift Lobby: (especially office)

Working since 5 yrs, and using the lift every single working day.
Process always being:
- Enter lift lobby
- if(lift = not arrived)
stare at the floor number of lift or Stare the floor or keep moving your body each side
read the poster in the lobby (even if it is by heart due to the effects of reading it everyday)
Feel conscious


It might just be ME. But every time I am in the lobby, I always realize nobody is looking at anybody and maybe everybody is a bit conscious of the presence of so many people around.

I always wonder how it would be if we just walk in and smile . DO a hi hello maybe. And be a Social Animal. It would be quite fun.

Beauty Parlors:

Thats one CONSCIOUS place. So many women in one place. All eyeing each other. Its a funny feeling.

- Sit in Parlor
- All women sizing each other up
- Analysis of entered women plaguing all brains
- if (feeling = "not better than me")
concentrate on yourself
keep eying every now then through corner of eyes

Its a place I am quite conscious myself. Lift lobby is just a piece of cake when compared.

Its a place that can be a complete chaos if all women decide to. Imagine so many of us gossiping /chatting away.
topics would start with
- nice dress/sari/hair/whatever then proceed to you having something similar or seeing something similar in a shop and why you didn't buy it
- beauty regime/fitness regime(you get to flaunt this if you are thin)
- The eternal MOM IN LAW bashing followed by how non understanding your HUSBAND is
- how the lady that just left is such a bitch-
- providing that soothing shoulder or empathizing
- exchanging recipes maybe

I guess we get the point.
Parlors would be more fun too. I hate going there.

Dance floor (before the crowd camouflages you)

To be on the dance floor when no one has yet started foot tapping on it is courageous. Coz all the others are lurking and waiting for it to be filled with people so that you are not the one people are staring at.

Even if you love dancing , it takes some mental preparation to be on the floor when there are not more than 4-5 there. Its easier when you yourself are in a group.

Once the floor is full , that's exactly when we should move out and enjoy the scene. People go crazy dancing.

- When we are walking towards somebody and they are looking at you. For a while that feeling passes by. Either you or that person looks away somewhere.

Thats about feeling conscious. But considering we are labeled "SOCIAL". It shouldn't have been difficult conjuring up a conversation with strangers whom you see everyday.

Considering "ANIMAL" following the term. We should have been very animaly about it(i hope you get the point) Kind of go for it types.

I guess we are social animals only because we need people around us. We cant survive alone(never tried..not even going to attempt). And we are not really SOCIAL.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


We play quite a few roles in life. All the time.
That's me playing a few parts. I was being what i felt like at time. At times, I curtailed myself.


BRAT (not proud to be one today)
Loving (i really hope my parents would "like" this)
chatter box
bad temper
intelligent (i am certain they would "like" this. i always scored great marks in school. It has left an unchangeable impression)

Daughter in Law

speaks less
ever smiling
nice girl


chatter box
idiot (most would "like" this)
shot dimag ko


chatter box
bad temper
ever smiling
ever irritating
shot dimag ko
complete nut case
time pass

The only person I am "Being" with. i wont say being Me. coz i am not sure what I am. I change with the moment.
I don't have to stop myself at any moment to react or behave the way I want to. I don't have to worry how he will feel, how he will react, how he will be!!

This Karva Chauth for you Nishit. (I am soo hungry)

I don't need music, lobster or wine.

Whenever your eyes look into mine;

The things I long for are simple and few:

A cup of coffee, a sandwich and you!