Sunday, June 14, 2015

My Bitch Guide

Every single person on this planet does it. But every single person on the planet judges every other person for bitching. I am guilty too.

I have gone down the path of judging myself. I have come to conclusions. N I am not going to apologize for them.

-          Yes I bitch. Not about everyone I come in contact with.  Not to everyone I come in contact with.

-          If you annoy the crap out of me. I will show no mercy in bitching about you. I don’t need to.

-          You judge me and I will judge the hell out of you. Judge me behind my back and you are safe.

-          I have migrated from being miss goody-two-shoes.

-          If you are nice to me you will get to meet the warmest Leo ever.  You point a finger at my family, and I will shred your existence to bits and pieces.  Then I am the bitch your mother warned you about.

-          I have a list of people I never bitch about.  They have sacred places in my life.

-          I never bitch out of jealousy. I have mulled over it and yes, I am sure about it.

-          I have the basic IQ to differentiate between a constructive criticism and a bitchy judgement. 

-          There are people I meet in life that have 0 impact on my life and I don’t care if I bitch or not about them. I do it in social settings when the conversation is about them.  It’s out of fun. I don’t apologize for it.

Improvements to be done:

-          I have realized I am talking/bitching about some parameters about a friend/person because I think different than they do.  I will refrain from doing that if I like that person generally.

-          Nishit is an exception to the above rule; he gets to know everything running through my head.

-          I won’t bitch to a person I bitch about.

That’s my bitch-guide.

Some call it bitching; I call it verbal release therapy. It’s all about perspective.