Get together a bunch of dance-crazy people, a dance guru, weekends and a wedding sangeet. Tadaaaa!!! You can smell chaos in the breeze.
It starts with one of us getting ready to spend their parents’ hard earned money (I mean ready to get married). And we done our dancing shoes, gear up and lo and behold, there we are all ready to set the stage on fire.
Ok..maybe ..not that ready… The irreplaceable dance guru, “The Akash”, enters and now we are ready. Totally. Period.
One classically trained guru.
A bunch of jumpy kids, who can wriggle in the music in pubs. Basically those people who put their hands in the air and can sway with music. Left Right Left. (They think they are the best dancers in the world… Self obsessed…) And the training commences.
Akash goes , 1 2 3 4. We follow 1 2 3 4.
But wait a minute, from a third persons perspective it seems like he did 1 2 3 4 and we followed 4 3 2 1.
Just for the sake of analogy, he starts to teach “paneer butter masala” and we end up cooking “paneer tikka masala”. There is a definite similarity but hell its not the same.
When “The Akash” is doing a step, he brings it to life. When we do that same step, we kinda send it to coma. We are definitely good, we try not to kill it. At least “The Akash” appreciates our efforts.( He has no other choice)
The 1 2 3 4’s stretch long into the nights. Along with the counting and the song, the distinct noises are “aah…” , “ooh” , “ouch”. All the lazy limbs and muscles stretch to their peak during the dance-o-mania times. In all we definitely loose a couple of kilos (not individually..but in total)
Then comes the finale. The moment to bring the stage alive. The rock performers in all of us awaken and we put up quite a show. We definitely raise the TRP of the sangeet. The crowd breaks into applause. The cheering results in our self-obsession rising up to the peak.
“The Akash” stands there his heart overwhelemed, clapping away incessantly. Thinking “
This was not what I taught them.”
Well I did mention, we end up cooking paneer tikka masala. But the point is the crowd does not know that it was supposed to be paneer butter masala in the first place. Lol.
The crux is that we have fun. Those weekends, have live energy in the air. The house comes alive. Dance and music do it. They bring out the best in us. We loose ourselves. There are no other thoughts lingering.
For those hours the mind is free of any worries.
It has to be, you need all the concentration in the universe, to do a step that remotely looks like
"The Akash’s" step. Lol.
There are short-cuts to happiness, and dancing is one of them. ~Vicki Baum
To dance is to be out of yourself. Larger, more beautiful, more powerful. ~Agnes De Mille
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance.