Just imagine if were born with the following measuring instruments kinda things suck to the forehead or any other body part.
((These are the definition given in Raji’s dictionary)
Feel-o-meter: An instrument for measuring, how what you are really feeling for the person you are talking to.
The units: Love, like, buzz-off, i-so-wanna-kill-you, neutral, added-to-my-crush-list, lusting-you, respect, impressed.
The meter flashes the words on the forehead. This can be a great energy saver and could very much make the heavens crowded. People would not lie and will not have to pretend about what they feel about each other. This could really spell Disaster too.
Jerk-o-meter: An instrument that displays the percentage of jerkiness running within you. The synonym for this is: ass-hole-o-meter.
Pleasure-o-meter: An instrument for measuring how satisfied you are after you-know-what ;). Displays only after the act is over. Lol
Units: Satisfied, want-more, Duh!! , i-will-have-to-do-it-myself, ecstatic.
Can kinda be a revelation! You are feeling like ohh-wow and you look at your partner and the meter flashes “Duh..” Freaky huh! Maybe it will affect the egos a lot and people might take efforts and not be complacent. It might save a few relations ;)
Look-o-meter: An instrument that displays what you feel, when somebody asks “How is this or How do I Look”. It also has a detector that displays what you feel when you are giving a false compliment.
Units: Hot, gorgeous, eeks, horrible,,, (you know the words)
Frustrate-o-meter: An instrument that display your level of frustration.
Units: range from 0 to back-off.
Will save a lot of energy, expended during shouting at others. And others would know what to expect.
Cheat-o-meter: An instrument that displays when one is cheating on their partner. Units: Simple flashes a red light. It would be quite a scene to see people walking around with a bright red light flashing. Haa!!!
Single-o-meter: An instrument that displays the current status.
Units: Single, Committed
Will preserve a lot of energy expended by people devising plan to hook up with someone, finally coming to know that they are committed. Will save quite a few heartbreaks. And might put the cheat-o-meter out of use.
If GOD reads, and SHE likes my design, maybe someday kids will be born with similar meters. (I personally recommend Pleasure-o-meter and feel-o-meter) Imagining it in reality, I am not sure how much fun it would be or will it spell disaster. But since it’s a fragment of my imagination, sounds kinda cool. (maybe my imagination sounds dumb...but I am loving it)
There is an inverse relationship between how good something is for you, and how much fun it is.
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