Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Consciously Social

Man is a social animal. One of the things i remember reading in some text book in school.
Man is a conscious social animal. One thought that keeps crossing my mind.

That thought runs in a frenzy particularly in the following situations:

Lift Lobby: (especially office)

Working since 5 yrs, and using the lift every single working day.
Process always being:
- Enter lift lobby
- if(lift = not arrived)
stare at the floor number of lift or Stare the floor or keep moving your body each side
read the poster in the lobby (even if it is by heart due to the effects of reading it everyday)
Feel conscious


It might just be ME. But every time I am in the lobby, I always realize nobody is looking at anybody and maybe everybody is a bit conscious of the presence of so many people around.

I always wonder how it would be if we just walk in and smile . DO a hi hello maybe. And be a Social Animal. It would be quite fun.

Beauty Parlors:

Thats one CONSCIOUS place. So many women in one place. All eyeing each other. Its a funny feeling.

- Sit in Parlor
- All women sizing each other up
- Analysis of entered women plaguing all brains
- if (feeling = "not better than me")
concentrate on yourself
keep eying every now then through corner of eyes

Its a place I am quite conscious myself. Lift lobby is just a piece of cake when compared.

Its a place that can be a complete chaos if all women decide to. Imagine so many of us gossiping /chatting away.
topics would start with
- nice dress/sari/hair/whatever then proceed to you having something similar or seeing something similar in a shop and why you didn't buy it
- beauty regime/fitness regime(you get to flaunt this if you are thin)
- The eternal MOM IN LAW bashing followed by how non understanding your HUSBAND is
- how the lady that just left is such a bitch-
- providing that soothing shoulder or empathizing
- exchanging recipes maybe

I guess we get the point.
Parlors would be more fun too. I hate going there.

Dance floor (before the crowd camouflages you)

To be on the dance floor when no one has yet started foot tapping on it is courageous. Coz all the others are lurking and waiting for it to be filled with people so that you are not the one people are staring at.

Even if you love dancing , it takes some mental preparation to be on the floor when there are not more than 4-5 there. Its easier when you yourself are in a group.

Once the floor is full , that's exactly when we should move out and enjoy the scene. People go crazy dancing.

- When we are walking towards somebody and they are looking at you. For a while that feeling passes by. Either you or that person looks away somewhere.

Thats about feeling conscious. But considering we are labeled "SOCIAL". It shouldn't have been difficult conjuring up a conversation with strangers whom you see everyday.

Considering "ANIMAL" following the term. We should have been very animaly about it(i hope you get the point) Kind of go for it types.

I guess we are social animals only because we need people around us. We cant survive alone(never tried..not even going to attempt). And we are not really SOCIAL.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


We play quite a few roles in life. All the time.
That's me playing a few parts. I was being what i felt like at time. At times, I curtailed myself.


BRAT (not proud to be one today)
Loving (i really hope my parents would "like" this)
chatter box
bad temper
intelligent (i am certain they would "like" this. i always scored great marks in school. It has left an unchangeable impression)

Daughter in Law

speaks less
ever smiling
nice girl


chatter box
idiot (most would "like" this)
shot dimag ko


chatter box
bad temper
ever smiling
ever irritating
shot dimag ko
complete nut case
time pass

The only person I am "Being" with. i wont say being Me. coz i am not sure what I am. I change with the moment.
I don't have to stop myself at any moment to react or behave the way I want to. I don't have to worry how he will feel, how he will react, how he will be!!

This Karva Chauth for you Nishit. (I am soo hungry)

I don't need music, lobster or wine.

Whenever your eyes look into mine;

The things I long for are simple and few:

A cup of coffee, a sandwich and you!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

A good morning :)

Sometimes I wake up and feel very happy . It is like I have a spring in my steps. I feel like dancing I feel like taking an effort in everything I am doing that morning.

When I say “Good Morning”. A tiny voice seconds that “Oh yeah”.

Today I again feel the same.

So I thought is there a logical reason as to why the glee or is it that today I have a conscious realization of it? Mmmm… *Ponder Ponder*

What did I do when I woke up or what did I do last night

- For starters I had dinner very early and didn’t eat before sleeping (People say we get a peaceful sleep if we eat early)

- I had a head bath and that too early not just before rushing off to work. (no logic for this though)

- I am not late to work (I honestly feel bad when I reach late)

- The food I cooked has turned out decent (from a few days it was a tad bit close to disaster)

- I had a brilliant last week (not that I have been having anything less than that earlier)

Or maybe its just a feeling so need not really have an explanation.

And ofcourse there are days when I wake up super lazy and don’t want to do anything at all. But I am guessing its largely on me to shake that feeling and bring the spring in my step. Instead I love to drown in my laziness for no apparent reason. And it doesnt perk me up but bogs me down.

Some might say that we need to have Those days to appreciate These days. But I am not really convinced.


Random post for the random feeling.

Nothing is interesting if you're not interested. ~Helen MacInness

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

CookShetra X X X

Armed with a cutting board as shield and a knife as sword, I raided the fridge. Dragged the aalu, tomatoes and threw it in boiling water. I held the onion at the edge of my sword and tried to cut out through its heart. But it kept slipping out. After a tearful fight with it, I managed to tear it to pieces.
After the army of vegetables were taken care of I was face to face with the masala-putras. I knew I had to burn them with the vegetables. Gasping and coughing through their force I buried a few of them too.

Once I burnt all of them together and was prepared to taste my victory over them my husbandeshwar walks in to tell me I was fighting the wrong battle.

That’s my cookshetra. An everyday battle. An everyday journey.

It started an year back.
- Understanding how the spices taste

- lal mirchi, dhaniya powder and haldi are not the only masalas

- after a lot of over cooking and undercooking I finally have a hang of time

- fighting through the maze of daals, I finally understand their identity

- I cook things other than aalu, capsicaum and bhindi

- I cried when it turned out yuck(which was quite a few times). Now I have times when I smile a lot

- It took me hours to get through dal sabzi and roti. Now its like second nature.

Somewhere during this journey I fell in love. I fell in love with cooking. It was like the cliché, where the guy and girl meet in a journey . Initially they hate the sight of each other and then when they understand the uniqueness and fun . They fall in love.

That learning process made me concentrate. Made me appreciate the different flavors. Made me want to experiment. It gave me the same thrill as dancing. That’s quite a thing to say.

Also, being a leo it got to my ego when people said “I can’t cook. “ “It tastes bad”. When others laughed.Even if I had not liked it just to prove it that it ain’t that big a deal, I would have learnt cooking. But fortunately I enjoyed it and am loving it.

I love exploring new dishes. Trying out stuff, which my hubby never likes. But the satisfaction I get after making a new thing is unbeatable.

Cooking is like love. It should be entered into with abandon or not at all.
Harriet Van Horne

On a Tangent

3 friends.

3 friends who know each other since a long time.

3 friends who know so much about each other that it is frightening.

3 friends who can talk for hours together about everything under the sun.

3 Best friends.

But still, some conversations among us make me take a tangent to it. There has been a time that I simply dozed off. I don’t listen to the conversation I start pondering. I am amused many times.

Probably the different paths that we have had, has created that frequency difference among us. The times and life that we have seen has been on different levels altogether.

Some things I might never understand. Some feelings I might never share.

But we still gel like a bowl of jelly beans. I guess we keep dropping and sticking to each other.

(And I cant find a single quote to suit this.. )

Friday, January 22, 2010

Its not complicated :)

I have no questions
that i want life to answer
It doesn't bother me why;
people are a certain way
I judge some people
I love some people
I am a hypocrite in some situations;
I stand by my values in some.
I crib about some things
I love some things

I emulate some things about people
not coz i want to be like someone..
but I respect that trait
I want that trait.
I am ME; at times, different than many
at times ; similar to many maybe.
I believe I am unique very unique.
So is everybody.

Life is simple.
We have the power to complicate it.
I love complicating it at time.
I love adding drama at times.
But inside i know, its simple.
Its stupid.
Its just there.
And all life answers are objective;
Its either a yes or a no.

Saying all this is so simple.
I don't take all situations so positively.
But this is what is there inside me.
This is how i feel .
I react i dramatize.
But I know its superficial.
I am learning, I am smiling.
I am living.

Don't take life too seriously, you'll never get out of it alive. -- Elbert Hubbard

(am i taking it seriously?? )

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What a bugger!!!

10 things that bug me:

- Sound of creaky chalk on the board
This bug is accompanying me since childhood. Some things never change *Sigh* (drama queen)

- anybody bragging incessantly
Could be about own posessions. About own (existing or non existing). Do i look like I care!!!.. It is a royal pain in the keeeeeeee. \

- Putting me down (my ego is bad)
This could make a place in the list "things that i hate to the core". Never do this to me. Its a direct ticket to "people to get back at". I will. Or i will sulk incessantly, that's bad too.

- "What did you eat today or What did Nishit eat today" .. coming from parents
Not being disrespectful. I understand they care. But i wouldn't be gng hungry everyday and neither would i keep Nishit hungry.

- the love handles (*Snigger*)
Love should be in the air not on ur waist. The sight or feel of it bugs me to no ends. I should do something about it

- Me saying "I should do somthing about it" and not doing anything ( 'it' can be anything)
Grrrr... This list should have started with this bugger. Gotta edit it. :P

- "you never call." / "you never call back.. " / "Dont u see ur fone"
Anybody saying this . I know i am at fault. I know i should improve (and i honetly think ia m trying to improve... but this is the max i can do.. Apologies) . But it totally gets to my head. Thats just how I am with the mobile since i started using it.

- Washing clothes
Drab. I have never washed clothes nor do i intend to. When i have to, i simply hate it. Even the smallest pice of cloth i dont wash. What were washing machines made for!!! huh

- Boring Poeple (as per my perspective)
A quote says "Some people have the power of speech but not the power of communication." I so agree. People can go on and on and i so loose track. My solcae at that time : my dreamland.

- Going to the petrol pump (silly!!!.. i know)
It can be a derivative of lazyness. Since i drive a 2 wheeler i have to have to have to go there. But i hate it hate it hate it. I delay till the last drop. Sometimes if i am lucky enough and the petrol decides to get over during weekends, I make my hubby do that. Brilliant.

What a bugger!!! I cant find a quote for this post!!! Thats so bugging :P

The reason for this random post though is that me and 2 of my friends decided to write a post on a common topic…

Just to see how similarly we are different…

After around 20 mails exchanged in office debating on the topic for the same, we zeroed down on this non-controversial, non-philosophical one!

Just in case u r interested, the links to the other 2 blogs are

Friday, January 15, 2010

My New Family

Meet the Pillay's

Mr. Vishwanthan Pillay
He is one of the most handsome men at 60. Tall, lean. Yeah lean. He is so well built. Younger people would feel a complex. His eating habits , are those that people talk about in books. He follows them since ages.( Secret of his handsome looks)
His dedication in life is amazing. For him retirement did not mean retirement from work. It only meant retirement from one job. He works and he still earns. He stll enjoys. And i cant resist saying again, he is simply handsome.
He is The Liberal Man. Lives and let lives. No disticntion between son and daughter or bahu.
I called him up, "Dad, there is a scheme to study MBA while working"
He didnt ask what it would cost. He didnt question. He simply said "whatever it takes, we will give. You just study"
Love my new dad.

Mrs. Nita Pillay
She is enthusiasm personified. Nobody at any age can be as enthusiastic as her. Impossible. She lives life to the fullest. She is fun. If she is around with you, you cant have a dull time. On picnics or parties, she is the centre of attraction. She can sing dance , make people have fun with the games she plans. No young people can come close to her enthusiasm.
A perfectionist to the core. Which thing is at which place she can explain on the fone, and you will find it excatly at that place. I am learning from her.
Always active. From the time she wakes up she is upto something. She is good at everything she does. If Nita Pillay has taken up a task. Be rest assured, it will be completed to perfection.
Nita Pillay is the definiton of "SHopaholic". She simply loves shopping. She does not need a reason to shop. And her taste is brilliant, classy and mind blowing. How can i forget to mention, she is the best bargainer to walk on planet earth. If you wanna go shopping, catch hold of her. The chances of getting the best thing at the best price is 100%.
Love my new mom.

Nisha Pillay
A perfect gemini. A non stop chatter box.She can go and on with all the energy. A complete foody. She can be a walking yellow page for all the good eating out places.
Very individualistic. She will always do what is right to her . No pretentions. If she likes you, she will do anything and everything for you. If she does not, GOD BLESS YOU. :)
Like mother like daughter in quite a few ways. She is the junior shopaholic. She loves and lives life.
She likes gifting. If you are in her good books, be assured that you will get a gift when u meet her.
Absolutley in love with her brother. Even if i try , i would never be able to match up to that love.
Love my new friend.

Sounds mushy and maybe too much of praise. But no. Its just the plain truth.
For me, i couldnt have asked for a better family to get married into.
Everybody is tightly knit. Selfless love. And they love me back the same way.

When you look at your life, the greatest happinesses are family happinesses. ~Joyce Brothers