Sunday, July 26, 2015


Well, I finished my first 5k run. I feel thrilled. Yes I do. 

More than the running, I am kicked about my new found will to get up and go and run or do a workout. It’s been 4 weeks for me now and it’s the longest I have stuck to waking up and moving my body. Of course, the moving body comes with benefits. My take away from this is the change. I am not clear what caused it or what motivated it. Standing where I am I believe I am in for the long haul.
Always been the kind of person, who decides to do something about fitness (like 3/4th of the world) and never does anything about it. I am not saying we should do something it. I am saying I wanted to and never did. 

I used to decide to run then never wake up. I used to keep debating about the form of exercise I should be doing. I have done everything from Yoga to run to fitness videos, every once in a blue moon and given up. Given up, being the key here.

This time I did not, I registered for a 5k, trained for it and ran it. Yes. I did it. It could have been anything from keeping the house clean to fitness to anything, the key here being I did it.
That is what I am proud of. 

I did yoga and strength and run based on what I felt like. I didn’t do it 5 days a week. I rested after a long run and promptly woke up a day after. That in itself is an achievement for me.
This has given me a high. 

So I had this theory, as a kid I was always on a high being the kid who scores in class. The exams were goals and the marks an achievement. After the end of exams I have not really come close to an achievement like this. Yes, I made it to a good company, a rocking husband and a kid and a house and the works.  And I am extremely grateful about my life.

This presented a personal goal for me like my exams and I cleared it. I feel like an achiever.
That’s me. That’s how silly I probably can be. But that’s me. 

Running is like an aid in my spiritual journey. Yes, however corny it sounds, it is like meditation to me. It helps me connect with myself.  My posts and how I feel and how I am being is a clear indication of what this run has done for me.

Maybe it is all inter connected. Either ways this is all working out to be a perfect outcome.

I have signed up for my first 10k.
Yay for that!!!

Running teaches me that I am capable of so much more than I imagined.

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