Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Wrapping up 2014

So another year passed by.  It literally zipped by.

I just mentioned to my friends, this is the year i grew up. I say that after 31 years???
Well, this is the year i grew up and i realized what part of me grew up. Or what part of me changed.

What was it?

Self realizations. Everybody always has self realizations. This year some of the realizations registered. This year I absorbed the change. I knew what and why it changed.
I was verbose about my emotions, my thoughts. I reflected on them. Something I have never done or never realized that I did. I wrote down every fear or doubt that bothered me. I tried to answer them to the best of my abilities. That helped resolve them or helped me not dwell on them.

I grappled with the change. I still think I dislike too much pondering and analyzing. I love the care free attitude towards decision making.
In all of this there is one thing, I still go with random decisions. Call them gut decisions or whimsical ones. But when i reflect back I realize none of my decisions were majorly thoughtless. None of my decisions now are too thought out either. That's the difference.
 I might go round in circles with a decision, but its still the whimsical one . The one without any rationale. My decisions are not planned out, they are not taken by considering the consequence.
Running around in circles just means I am spoiled for choices. :) Which is a good thing. In fact it is kick ass.
So next time I start to fret over why I am thinking so much, I am just going to be grateful for all the choices I have 
So planned or non planned : its a blessing to have the luxury to decide. To make a choice.

These realizations make life easier. It makes it easy for me to deal with my first world problems :)

Somethings in life are priceless...
Neha Pallavi (they are not friends per se or family per se)
grappling to be a decent mom
luxury to make decisions
see my intentions manifest
quick answers to all my questions
all the questions that I have
crazy conversations

...for everything else there is master card
all the cute outfits i got this year
my green ray bans
my expensive hair cuts
my denim jacket
my fancy shoes

Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year - Ralph Waldo Emerson

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