Monday, January 12, 2015

 A Long Life

I am reading a book by Deepak Chopra “Ageless Body Timeless Mind”. Why? The title intrigued me.
My presumptions about the book were wrong. It is not about looking a certain age or trying to or anything related to that. It is about longevity and living longer with a healthy body and mind. 

There is a lot of information about research and statistics related to leading a longer life.  We are in an age where we live longer. A statement in the book “You are reborn at 50”, put my though wheel in motion. How amazing!!! We can easily live to be 80 to 100. I know people who are past 80 and very healthy and going about their business without any dependency whatsoever.

How absolutely fantastic!!! (One of them is my granny and I look a lot like her. So I am secretly hoping I have more of her genes)

I find it exciting because it suddenly lets you imagine a lot of possibilities. Yeah, even if we don’t live long life is still full of opportunities. But the idea excites me. It gives me more enthusiasm and courage to take all the typical decisions I make. 

Buy another house? Why not? It is a typical 30 year old decision. I am not worried. Yeah so I am buying a house, another mortgage. Isn’t it not letting me do other stuff? I don’t care. Till the time I can figure out what the other stuff is. If some other stuff excites me, I will do what needs to be done.
The idea of making “learning” a part of life makes more sense.  How cool it will be to know another language and go and live in that country. (My house today will pay for that living then. Get it? )

 I am not assuming old age comes with ill health. People around me seem to be doing rocking at past 60. My gene pool is pretty fantastic that way. I will work better on my lifestyle.

 Reading more books make sense to me (it always did irrespective)

The generation gap will reduce. Imagine my mum at 100 and me at 80. We both will be old.  But it won’t feel like it does now.  My daughter would be 50. She would be turning into what we today call old. How awesome. We all might be on similar pages.
The transition from this phase to that one is going to be a rocker.

And I know death is not certain. It is mystery and what not. Who cares? I am not going to live as if it is my last day. If it was, I would not know what to do. I am going to live as if I have forever to live. It seems far more exciting to me.

“may you live a long life of health and gladness” – Irish blessing quotes.

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