Monday, July 6, 2015

Happy Place

I have always operated from a happy place. Even when I have been sad, I have operated from a happy place.  It sounds contradictory, but operating from the happy place assisted me in accepting the situation, the sadness and the emotions. It helps me take baby steps to let stuff be.

Always seemingly aimless and too content: that was me.
Why was?

Then I got caught up.  Then a debate struck my mind. Am I content or complacent? It started seeping into my happy place. I suddenly wanted more aims, goals and was caught up in the circle of “I am not doing enough’ with my life.
It took up 2 years and some more.

Was I un happy? No

I was in turmoil. I kind of liked the turmoil. I felt intelligent. I felt smart. It takes more out of me than I want. It makes me crabby. I am snappy always. That’s not what I enjoy.
It’s exhausting.

One night is all it took for me to realize. That’s not me. I like my happy place. I like the contentment I get out of the seemingly aimless life. The happy place keeps my vibration up. The happy place presents opportunities. The happy place is a good place for me. The place is where I am designed to function. That is where I am my best.

So two nights back I realized that it is important for me to be me. 

I have a perfect life. I see no reason why I need to find something missing in it. I need to become one with my happy place and if there is anything missing I will know. It’s how it has always worked for me. It’s how it will always.

Yes, a human being can do mighty things.  I probably incarnated thinking I want an easy life. Who am I to fight my own wish ;) I can add my own flavour to this life only be being me.

Yes – I have a 9-5 job!! But, oh so flexible! Love it.

Yes- I have a typical life. Married at 2 ; kid at 28.  A house ; a car. Perfect. It always kept me happy. No worries at all.

I can now tear this happiness apart or absolutely soak it in. Based on which option drives me.
The soaking is what makes me work. That is the motivation I was missing.
I have come back to my happy place.

Don’t measure yourself against anybody else. Just find your happy place –  not sure who wrote.

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